Sunday, September 13, 2009

So here goes my first Idea. I play a Tabletop Role Playing Game by the name of Exalted. Excuse me if my language is a bit terse but I need to get this down. Anyway, one of the major plotlines of the setting is the rise of a group of ultra powerful Lich like beings called the Deathlords. They intend to destroy Creation in the name of their Neverborn masters who dream restlessly above the mouth of the void. They hope that when creation is torn asunder all will slide into the Void to be consumed, that reality may enter the bliss of non-exsistence. One Deathlord in particular has met with more succses then most of his bretheren; Bodhisattva Anointed by Dark Waters. He has created a small but potent nation that clings to barren, rocky, islands in the west. Using a horde of zombie laborers he has slowly built up his nation's infastructure and created a death based, religous, meritocracy that functions more effectively then more developed empires a across creation. Most of this is a front however, perpetuated merely for the benefit of veiling the Silver Prince's (the name of his "messiah" persona and the name by which creation knows him) intentions. He really seeks to embroil the West in bloody conflict so that he may extend the boundarys of the western Shadowlands. The Exalted campagin I Story Tell centers on this character and his nation as the driving force behind western politics. I feel the need to iron out the details of the Silver Prince's machinations before my story arc progresses to far. My Player Characters are a mixed circle. 3 Abyssal, 1 Lunar, 2 Solar and 1 Sidereal Exalted. I know. Bad Idea. However, I came up with a decent stopgap measure to insure that the party could work together despite vast differences in motivation and background. The Silver Price has begun a program to capture and "tag" all non-Abyssal Exalted opperating in the western area. The non-Abyssal PC's were the test group in this policy. The PC's were outfited with artifact collars that precent them from taking any direct action against the intrests of the Silver Prince. A bit of a heavy handed and arbitrary I know but I need to do something to maintain the continuity of the story. So now the Silver Prince has a shiny new batch of Exalts that work for him, providing a greater degree of utility than he had before. He intends to use these Exalts as diplomatic envoys to the other Western nations and powers in the hopes that the will present a reasonable and amicable face to the region. Barring this they will merely insinuate themselves into the government of several influential nations. Such as Wavecrest Archipelago or Coral Archipelago. Ultimately, the overall goal will be the same. Destabilization of peace. Coral and Wavecrest are already at odds. The Neck, being millitarilly inrrelevant and geographically between the two nations will be trampled underfoot. The only millitary action the Silver Prince need take after that will be the eradication of whatever forces remain. This massive slaughter will be enough to expand the shadowland at least ten-fold. The Silver Prince won't stop there. With the assistance of the players he will round up every last man, woman and child and ritually murder them on the eastern boundary of the Shadowland thereby expanding it even farther. This drastic increase in Necrotic Essence leeching into creation will of course alert the Sidereals and the Realm to the actions of the Silver Prince. They of course will respond with overwhelming force but they wont see the trap through their blind fear. Bodhisattva has been planning for this all along. He has quietly amassed his millitary might over the last few decades. He commands a greater number of First Age Warships and and associated aquatic Necrotech/Magitech devices then any other entity at this point in history. Include the newly risen zombies, Hungry Ghosts, War Ghosts and other assorted undead soldiers, and no fleet mobilized against the Bodhisattva will stand a chance. The ensuing slaughter will push the boundaries of the Shadowland even futher. Perhaps far enough to threaten the west coast of the Blessed Isle. The beauty of this plan is that the Silver Prince will come away from this intact and more powerfull then ever. The size of the Shadowland will be stagering. The Foundary of Souls will have more fuel to stoke the fires of industry then ever before. A plethora of new resources will be availible to the citizens of Skullstone. Not to mention new land mass to expand and setle. From there? Only time will tell. Many more options will be open to the Bodhisattva Anointed by Dark Waters once his plan comes to fruition. This might seem a bit uncreative but once the Silver Prince gains this much power so many story options are oppened. However ill have to explore those possibilities some other time. My eyes burn. If you have any comments or suggestions please dont hesitate to contact me. I alway apreciate input from other gamers. Anything to make my job as ST easier.

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